What is WebRTC?

WebRTC (Web Real-Time Communications) is a framework for real-time communication and in libp2p is used to establish browser-to-server and browser-to-browser connections between applications.

WebRTC was originally designed to make audio, video, and data communication between browsers user-friendly and easy to implement. It was first developed by Global IP Solutions (or GIPS). In 2011, GIPS was acquired by Google where the W3C started to work on a standard for WebRTC.

It serves as a good choice for applications that need built-in support for media communication and do not have specific requirements for the underlying transport protocol.

WebRTC in libp2p

In libp2p, WebRTC is used as a transport protocol to connect from browsers to other nodes. However, libp2p does not make use of any of WebRTC’s multimedia features. The features employed in libp2p are:

Key features

  • Peer connections: WebRTC enables direct peer-to-peer connections between browsers and other nodes.

  • Data channels: WebRTC provides peer-to-peer data channels, which works on SCTP (Stream Control Transmission Protocol) and use SDP (Session Description Protocol) to negotiate the parameters of the data channel.

    A WebRTC data channel allows applications to send a text or binary data over an active connection to a peer. This means libp2p can utilize data channels as a transport to send raw data to peers and enables applications to build anything they like.

  • NAT traversal: WebRTC includes mechanisms (like ICE) to connect to nodes that run behind NATs and firewalls. In non-decentralized WebRTC, this can be facilitated by a TURN server., but other signaling channels, such as WebSocket running on a central server, can also be used. Using a custom signaling protocol or a different signaling service is also possible.

  • Security: WebRTC connections are encrypted using DTLS. DTLS is similar to TLS but is designed to work on an unreliable transport instead of an ordered byte stream like TCP.

  • API: Browsers expose an API to establish WebRTC connections. The RTCPeerConnection API allows two applications on different endpoints to communicate.


The first use case supported by a native WebRTC transport in libp2p is browser-to-server (as described in the specifications).

libp2p WebRTC enables browsers nodes to connect to public server nodes without those endpoints providing a TLS certificate within the browser’s trustchain.

In libp2p:

  • WebRTC multiaddresses are composed of a standard UDP multiaddr, followed by webrtc and the multihash of the certificate that the node uses, as such: /ip4/<hash>/p2p/<peer-id>;
  • WebRTC encrypts connections using DTLS. However, an additional handshake is required to authenticate a peer’s peer ID once the WebRTC connection has been established.
  • A browser can connect to a server node without needing a trusted TLS certificate.

Contrary to the standard WebRTC handshake process, the browser and server do not exchange the SDP Offer and Answer. Instead, they employ a technique known as SDP munging. This technique allows the browser node to simulate the exchange of an SDP, but in reality, it constructs it locally using the information provided by the server node’s multiaddress.

When establishing a WebRTC connection, the browser and server perform a standard DTLS handshake as part of the connection setup. Of the three primary focuses of information security, a successful DTLS handshake only provides two: confidentiality and integrity. Authenticity is achieved by succeeding the Noise handshake following the DTLS handshake.

WebRTC private-to-private

Thanks to js-libp2p and rust-libp2p (compiled to Wasm), libp2p can run in the browser environment. However, browsers impose certain restrictions on application code (such as libp2p browser nodes). Applications are sandboxed and face constraints on networking. For instance, browsers do not permit direct access to raw network sockets. Additionally, it’s a sure bet that libp2p browser nodes will be behind a NAT/firewall. Due to these restrictions, browser nodes cannot listen for incoming connections (nor dial TCP and QUIC connections) and as a result, they cannot communicate with other browser nodes.

Thankfully, libp2p solves this problem and enables browser node to browser node connectivity by supporting a transport called WebRTC private-to-private.

Transport Internals

The libp2p WebRTC private-to-private transport is enabled by supporting the W3C defined RTCPeerConnection API. This core API enables p2p connectivity and provides methods for establishing connections and transferring streams of data between peers. Running instances of libp2p that support this transport will have /webrtc in their multiaddr.

However, there’s more to p2p connections than what RTCPeerConnection provides. Crucially, signaling isn’t built into the WebRTC API.

For this transport, libp2p supports its own signaling protocol which has the protocol id: webrtc-signaling.

How private-to-private connectivity works

Suppose we have three network entities:

  • Node A - a libp2p node running in the browser
  • Node B - another browser libp2p node running on a different browser instance
  • Relay R - a libp2p relay node

In this connectivity scenario, A wants to connect to B. This works as follows:

  • B connects to R and makes a relay reservation. It appends /webrtc to its relayed multiaddress and advertises it to the network.
  • A discovers B’s relayed multiaddr, sees it supports private-to-private, and establishes a relayed connection to B via R.
  • A and B create outbound and inbound RTCPeerConnection objects respectively
    • Per their namesake, these objects handle peer connections, define how they’re set up, and contain other useful information about the network.
  • A initiates the webrtc-signaling protocol to B via a stream over the relayed connection
    • This signaling stream is used to:
      • Exchange SDPs between nodes (an offer from A and an answer from B)
        • This include exchangning information about the network connection (in WebRTC parlance this is called exchanging ICE candidates)
  • The SDP messages are passed to the browsers WebRTC stack, which then tries to establish a direct connection.
    • A successful direct connection is established between A and B
      • In this case, both browser nodes will close the signaling protocol stream
      • The relayed connection is closed
    • A failed direction connection
      • In this case, the signaling stream is reset

In summary, webrtc-private-to-private establishes a direct connection between two private nodes using the WebRTC API and a signaling protocol. To do this, this transport relies on relay nodes and STUN servers to create relay connections to discover a browser node’s public IP address and port. In this use case, the signaling protocol is used to hole punch across NATs/firewalls and establish direct connectivity between two private browser nodes.

Comparing WebRTC and WebTransport

In general, WebRTC was primarily built for in-browser audio and video communication, whereas WebTransport aims to offer a general-purpose bidirectional byte-stream interface between a browser and a server.

Regarding connectivity, WebTransport only supports client-server connections, while WebRTC supports peer-to-peer connections. WebRTC is also more complex, as many underlying protocols are involved in creating a connection, as opposed to WebTransport, which only depends on QUIC.

Check out the WebTransport and WebRTC sections of the libp2p connectivity site to learn more.
