Early Multiplexer Negotiation

Vanilla stream multiplexer selection process

One of libp2p’s main guarantees is that no data sent over the wire is unencrypted. This means that transport protocols, like TCP or WebSocket, that don’t support encryption by default must complete a cryptographic handshake. This process of adding the secure channel on top of the raw transport is called upgrading the connections and happens via the multistream-select protocol.

In the unoptimized libp2p connection upgrade process, the security or encryption is negotiated first. After that is agreed upon, the stream multiplexer is negotiated. Again this only happens for transports that don’t have native stream multiplexing.

A standard connection upgrade process that negotiates the secure channel first and the multiplexer second is shown in a diagram here.

First, the security protocol is negotiated, then this protocol is used to perform a cryptographic handshake. libp2p currently supports Noise and TLS 1.3. Once the cryptographic handshake completes, multistream-select runs again on top of the secured connection to negotiate a steam multiplexer, like yamux or mplex.

Early muxer negotiation

The libp2p project eliminates an unnecessary round trip in the standard negotiation protocol for selecting a stream multiplexer. This is achieved by combining the steps of agreeing on a secure channel and multiplexer. This is called “early” or “inlined” muxer negotiation.

Early muxer negotiation is a feature in libp2p that allows for the simultaneous selection of a stream multiplexer during the cryptographic handshake of the TLS and Noise security protocols. This is achieved by sharing a list of supported muxer protocols as a part of the handshake payload.

For example, if a libp2p node supports mplex and yamux, it will advertise both in the list. This eliminates an extra round trip, improving TTFB (time to first byte) in the libp2p handshake. Currently, this feature is only supported in go-libp2p and for TCP and WebSocket transports that do not have native encryption or multiplexing.

ALPN extension in TLS

The Application-Layer Protocol Negotiation (ALPN) extension is a feature of TLS that allows for the negotiation of application-layer protocols during the TLS handshake. This allows the client and server to agree on the application-layer protocol for the rest of the TLS session. ALPN is typically used to negotiate the application-layer protocol for applications that use TLS, such as HTTP/2 or QUIC. libp2p uses ALPN to negotiate the stream muxer and saves a roundtrip when upgrading a raw connection.

Extension registry in Noise

Since there’s no commonly used extension mechanism in Noise, libp2p defines an extension registry. We then defined an extension to negotiate the stream multiplexer, that is conceptually the equivalent of the ALPN extension in TLS.

The extension registry is modeled after RFC 6066 (for TLS) and RFC 9000 (for QUIC).

More information is available in the Noise specification.
